July 12, 2024

Cone Off For Eva

The open cut has closed completely. The four staples are still in. So I thought I'd take off the cone yesterday afternoon and see what happens. It is healing so it is itching, just like the two small cuts I have. I don't lick mine but she did and does lick hers. When I did not see her licking her wound later last night after all the staining was gone and the area clean, I decided I'd leave the cone off for the night. The legs was perfect this morning and no signs of chewing or licking.

Morning routines only seem to change when there is a change in season. Sleeping spots change but that is about it I guess. These photos are taken about an hour after they get up. They go outside first, eat then each one heads for "their spot" for a short nap, while I drink coffee and read the internet. Ava?? She keeps moving when I take her photo this morning. She is in the bedroom beside the dog bed on the floor, chewing multiple bones she has collected.

I have had three of these cactuses, bringing one with me from Arizona. All of them ended up dying if you remember the photos. My friend suggested I buy the one that did not a hybrid with the red bloom on top of it. So I bought this one. When Ava decided to rearrange my plants in two straight days, I moved this to my computer room next to my monitor and out of her reach. . Out of all the cactuses, this is the only one that shown signs of new growth.

Henry eats breakfast, survey's backyard and then jumps to this spot to start his day.

Walter eats breakfast, THEN goes outside and stops at the indoor water bowl in the mudroom for his private filtered water. Then trots down the hallway to this spot, where he will spend way too many hours sleeping. He never drinks water with the others in the outside dog water bowl. 

I have a large bowl that is kept in the shade during these hot summer days, mainly because Ava still liked to drink water with her front two paws in the water. That process does not work in my mudroom. 

Watson goes out first and stays outside while I pour the morning kibble. Eats, back outside, plays a little with Ava and then anywhere close to my chair for his morning nap.

The wound has made a big improvement in the past 24 hours. I guess Ava was just licking that spot yesterday afternoon for grooming purposes and not to get the staples out. She is a happy dog without that cone as I am too ... now I don't have to dodge it and keep it from hitting my bad shin when she and I are walking in the same proximity.

Hard to believe it is Friday. I might mow the yard today or wait until tomorrow, really doesn't make a difference. A little rain again in the early evening last night and that had to help the new grass seed on each side of my yard. Looking around while typing I see that I need to dust. Not a hard job at all just hard to get started.

It is going to be a great day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana. Enjoy your day wherever you may be.


  1. Hope you and your crew have a good weekend and your cactus looks good.

    1. Thanks. ATT internet is down and the company hanging new cable left at 5pm on Friday ... its laying against my fence. LOL

  2. Ava's leg is really looking good. So interesting how each member of the gang has their own routine each morning. Nice that you started blogging again and yes, you do have lots to write about these days. Hope your internet is back up soon. Our power was out again yesterday for nearly three hours. Third time in just over a week.

    1. My stove clock tells me I lost power for over an hour yesterday but I did not notice. ATT Tech coming out to day to hook up the old fiber cable to receive signal as a temporary service, is what they said on the phone. Of course he will be here between noon and 4 today, not bad for a Saturday. Still using my phone as a hot spot for internet service. It works for that but I have yet to figure out how I can connect my tv .. I will research that this morning. Ava's leg looks normal today.
