July 17, 2024

AT&T Fiber Internt Plot Changes

It was a long day today and as I sit here at 4:09pm CST, it is hard to believe it basically is over ... but the fun has just begun for the next 10 to 14 days. I have SO MUCH to write tonight that I didn't want to put it off and I had time since Ava is sleeping off her anesthesia from her spaying surgery this morning. I will start with her story since it is a lot more important than my AT&T internet story ... BUT ... you might want to stick around for that story because it ... is ... just ... unbelievable !!!!!

We were not up any earlier than normal this morning but the routine changed with strategy involved because I had to change the routines of two hounds and two dogs so I could get Ava in car without the other three going crazy with excitement because she had a leash on.

Plus she was not allowed to eat of course with surgery scheduled later this morning. So she is use to eating and gets excited to eat. ALL four are use to eating breakfast as soon as they come in from their first trip outside just after they wake up. I never change the routine from the time they are puppies being house trained ... actually I was able to pull it off without much drama.

I dropped her off at the vet at 7:30 and drove the 27 miles to return home.

This afternoon I walked outside while I was writing this post because the sky was getting dark with rain, thought I might get a photo or two. Well this shows you what kind of neighbors I have here in this neighborhood ... I was reminded once "we help each other here".

This bag was sitting right on my door jam so I would not miss it when I opened the front door. Can you read the note? So not only did she remember Ava was getting spayed on the 17th, she knew "the boys" shouldn't be left out. Honestly this ... blows me away.

While Henry was trying to catch the butterfly on the large window outside a little before 11am, I noticed an internet/phone truck parked down a couple houses. I assume they are doing cable work and maybe finish the job they left on Friday. I thought it was BOi, who hangs the cable for AT&T ... but ... it was an AT&T truck. The butterfly flew away about the time I clicked the shutter button.

This is where the story gets really interesting. REALLY INTERESTING!!

A little bit before this photo I had been down talking to my neighbor that just returned from vacation, he missed all the cable action BUT when he returned home late yesterday afternoon, he noticed his AT&T internet was not working. He didn't know what was going on, he had been gone.

Like me last Saturday, he walks out to his backyard to investigate and sees a spool of cable leaning up against his fence, much like this one that was against mine.

Well he starts walking back towards the utility pole that his AT&T cable is connected to, opposite direction from my house, and found a DIFFERENT  cable cut just like I found in my neighbor's yard last Saturday .... you remember the one where the cable was cut ??? Like this one.

So he calls AT&T this morning to report his AT&T Fiber Cable is cut. They tell him there is a work order already on this line and they will be out to fix it.

OH WAIT ... I am not even to he good stuff yet ... LOL

As I am walking back to my house two houses away that AT&T truck had pulled into my driveway to turn his truck around so it is facing the right direct. I didn't know he was in his truck so I am in the street by my mailbox taking a photo of this truck for THIS BLOG POST tonight ... when he jumps out of his truck yelling at me "why are you taking a photo of my truck" ... oh he was hot!!! 

Later he explained why.

I told him this AT&T story was on my blog and it was becoming a best seller from Indiana to California and some foreign countries. I was just taking a photo of his truck for my blog post. So to calm things down I walked over to him showing him my phone and deleting the photo.  (He was mad because he thought I was going to report him to AT&T and they would have assumed he was in his truck and not doing his job)

My neighbor had told me this AT&T guy told him that I had cancelled my service and went to Spectrum.

But this is where the plot thickens!!!

My neighbor wasn't home last Friday and if he were, he would have no reason to cut his own internet cable. Then in anger roll it up and take it to another neighbors house. We all get along in this neighborhood so that story kinda surprises me but AT&T tech is sticking to it.

The house next to him has AT&T and they both have jobs where they work at home and online, they would not cut the cable. The last house is on Spectrum and no interest I don't think of cutting someone else internet cable because they have Spectrum.

I walk out to my fence talk to the AT&T guy about all of this and try to get some answers on why the cable hangers on Friday left and didn't finish the job nor did they come back.

You won't believe it.

If you remember last Friday, they stopped running the new fiber cable at his point about 50' from my utility pole. They told me they were running new cable all the way to the pole. I found that hard to believe after they left because not only did that cable spooled by my fence didn't look long enough .... it just didn't look like good cable to attached to anything.

Now I am not an expert but with that white strap to me it looks like it was at the end of the cable from a BIG spool of cable. Well I got my answer today from the guy working behind my house.

I will say he was NOT upset about me blogging about this story, he thought he was going to get caught sitting in his truck during work hours. But even 89° and 78% humidity feels kinda hot and you need a break to cool off with the truck running and the AC on.  Just in case, I took these next four photos from inside my house with the Nikon and a zoom lens.

He is NOT here to finish hanging the cable to the pole. That was NOT their job last Friday either!!! He is here to splice the new cable into the old cable so I would have internet service but like he told me "since you canceled AT&T service the only house on this line is three houses down where the county sheriff lives."

For the cable hanging crew last Friday he ordered 660' of new fiber cable to replace all the squirrel chewed cable behind seven houses. The crew goes to the lot and AT&T only issues them 600' so they don't have enough to reach my pole. So they stopped on Friday where they were suppose to.

THEN ... AT&T was coming out yesterday to splice the new cable with the old cable. Like he did today.

When I canceled my AT&T Service on Monday, in their system it was confirmed on Tuesday. He could NOT come out and get the service back online because since I canceled, that work order was no longer in the queue to be worked on. When the neighbor called today about his internet out, that got them back out here. But whomever he had talked to, told him there was already a work out for that job.

BUT that is not the end of this story .... he did it, no she did it, no they did it, it wasn't us .....

Who cut the cable more than three houses away, for me and my neighbor to lose AT&T Fiber Internet service??

Now my line only goes to the left if facing the fence in back ... to my neighbors utility pole and then turns left. The neighbor on the other side of her, his line comes from a different pole in the opposite direction. I am thinking the only thing that would make anyone here cut the cable was because it was laying in their yard, like it is mine and has been for weeks if not a month ... they were mowing their lawn and it was in their way.

That is my guess to what happened. 

I watched as he work, The new cable is different, the fiber has different casing and inside that black junction box are cables that are spliced together. Now, BOi will come back out and hang that back up top sometime. Not AT&T.

I told them last Friday I did not mind it laying in the yard. I new eventually all the cable would be replace up high.

So yes, last Friday they were going no further than where they stopped. The last 50' of cable to the pole will be the old fiber cable that is already connected and that is spliced into the new fiber cable that looks like to me ... it is more protected against squirrels eating through it.

Like told him ... Based on what they told me, it didn't happen. BOi manger told me Monday morning, I am not on their schedule. Of course, why would I be because they stopped where they were supposed to, because they did not have enough cable.

So I am setting here with a bunch of unkowns and no internet and no tv wireless service last Friday. In the meantime Spectrum is offering me $29.99 per month locked in two years and free phone service for two years. What was I to do? He understood completely and I am not the first to do that recently.

So even though I liked AT&T fiber and its speed, Spectrum isn't doing bad in download speed.

When I told him that Spectrum had really improved their download speed, he asked me about their upload speed which you can see isn't really high. Well I did not know that AT&T, as he pointed out to me, is the only company with symmetrical upload and download speeds, close to the same. I have see no difference in the tv shows I watch from a wireless signal.

Well I have to go. I hope you enjoyed the story and the update. I hear Walter not doing a full bark but a grunt/gruff bark at the same time. It is one that I recognized ... telling me he wants more filtered water in his bowl.

It's been another interesting day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Good that Ava is home sleeping and nice neighbors to buy her treats and for the rest of the crew.
    What a crazy time with getting internet connected in your in your area.

    1. I will separate the other three hounds for the next 10 nights, they get the computer room so I can keep them away from Ava while she heals and being in the same room I can hear if she needs something. It was good treats, we haven't tried them yet but they look good enough for me to eat. LOL I am happy to be done with it ... I guess until the next big big storm.

  2. Nice that all went well for Ava today and that she has such a kind and caring care giver.

    Personally I think you need to write a non-fiction book on the trials and tribulations of your AT&T saga. It could be a best seller as so many can relate to the horrible service we are all being exposed to these days.

    1. She slept well last night and so far this morning. Walking better but under leash control. Has had her face cleaned by Henry and Watson inside her cone. Getting good rest. The AT&T tech did tell me that someone from their company needed to be out here last Friday while their contractor hung cable so they could do what he did yesterday and I would have never lost internet connection.

  3. My best-friend was an installer for AT&T. None of them were happy when they put GPS in all the vehicles. She was questioned once as to why she was parked on a certain road for x amount of time. She explained it was a corner & the box was on the other street close by. They also questioned times spent parked at jobs, stops to pee, etc. She stopped taking lunches because of it & ate in between jobs. A real pain so I can understand his anger. My friend happily retired after 40+ years with so many changes in that time. Remember govt. making them break up the monopoly? Yet so many companies are allowed to be now.

    1. He told me a similar story. When he mentioned talking a lunch break I asked him how long they gave him "30 minutes but I never go out for lunch I just sit in the truck". He did say that after the rush, the price advertising for fiber, people have stopped buying it. All he does mostly is what the other told me the past month "we do repairs to cable chewed by squirrels." Thanks for you comment and new information.
