July 09, 2024

Tuesday Night Could Be Interesting

I ended my night seeing this from an Evansville X (twitter) account that I follow. None of those things looked good to me and I instantly flashed back to the downed utility pole and cables laying across my fence and power lines across my patio deck on May 26th. I know it can be somewhere in-between that as the weather data continues to update. But I couldn't sleep.


I went to bed thinking Tuesday might be very interesting. I couldn't sleep as I lay there imagining the worst possible result. I get back up a few hours later, two (Watson and Walter) out of four an on the floor snoring loud enough to keep me awake anyway as I sneak out of the bedroom not to wake them. I turn on my computer to see this. My nephew had sent it to me. There is my location smack dab in the red zone. Still there is a chance that could all move a little more NE as it approaches us.

There were a lot of comments below that previous photo. Someone here that lives farther north, pulled this off of the Wunderground site. The thing I didn't like seeing was "2:00 am" ... BUT supposedly the brunt of this high wind activity is suppose to be around 7:00pm tonight, not Wednesday ... so already, two different predictions ... proving they are only computer generated predictions ... anything can happen.

Of course none of the tv weather news was affecting Ava and Henry. Yes the cone is back on after being off a little yesterday. I caught her multiple times, licking that healing itching wound where the four staples are still there. We want to go to the vet on the 17th with those four staples still intact.

Henry was so dead to the world last night that he never woke up. I got up to shut off my high tech floor fan, lock the patio door, turn off that light above his head and go to bed. He later walked into the bedroom and laid down, back to sleep, three hours later.

Ava heard me or felt me take a photo of her sleeping.

To me that is looking pretty good. The scab is gone on the left edge where the cut was the deepest. The incision looks completely closed and no signs of infection.  It is still swollen a little but when I feel it and press against it slightly there is no pain and I don't feel any built up fluid. With the rain all day today, she will get more rest on that leg and less running outside.

I had two surprises yesterday. (1) BOi came back and fixed the yard damage to my yard right on the property line and my neighbor's yard along the fence and into her backyard. She sent me a text telling me she had showed them all the damage from the street to the back of her yard, where their heavy truck with a lift, made big tire ruts into the wet soft ground over a month ago to rehang the internet cables to her utility pole.

She said this which got me fired up for the day ... "BOi was just here and I can tell they don't want to do much. I showed them the ruts in your yard and he said I don't think we did this."

When the truck came back with a small amount of dirt like the photo shows, I went outside to see what was really going on. Now remember, I have a blog, I take a lot of photos about EVERYTHING especially for my private blog (journal) so I can go back and remember exactly what was going on or see if there is improvement to the yard where I did a fix.

Anyway ... I walk out with my phone in hand. The driver is walking towards me as I am walking toward his truck. I tell him what the neighbor told me he said to her and he denied he said that to my neighbor but at the same time didn't think their truck cause the ruts in my yard. I let him know as kindly and politically correct I could .... "would you like to see your truck driving up along the fence line right where the ruts are in my yard??? ... otherwise I am going to make you famous in more ways than one." IE: on the blog and a call to his company. 

Out my computer room window I see them leaving and I come out to see this. My property and the ruts are just to the right of that long tampered top soil ... to the right. She came out at the same time and was unhappy because they did nothing in her backyard and that was where most of the damage was for her.

She didn't think they were coming back and I didn't either until I saw that long rope stretched out along the edge of the dirt. They were not going to leave something that important, otherwise I could use a nice rope with connectors on each end, just like that ... I left it there though.

(2) ... another surprise. 27 minutes before my scheduled AT&T tech repair visit I get a text from AT&T ....  "Hi, it's AT&T. There is an outage in your area so your repair appt is on hold. ON HOLD ???? We'll contact you once the outage is over."

I text my friend up the street using the AT&T wireless data for my phone, asking them if their AT&T Fiber service is out ... "no, things are running perfect". Hmmm interesting, yet they are on the other side of the street with different cables on different poles.

About an hour later he shows up and starts walking up the street, three to four houses away. I am really curious but not enough to follow him. While I watched, he never took his ladder off the truck and never had a bag of tools with him, just a phone in his hand but a machine I suspect also checks trouble spots in an internet line.

Then another hour and AT&T texts me again --- "There's an outage in your area that should be fixed by Mon 07/08 09:00 PM CDT. Your appt is on hold but we will contact you once the outage is over"

Soon after that text another truck shows up, so now I know they are on to something. I go out to get my mail and pull a couple of weeds on my way back inside. I pulled so many weeds though, I take them past the new grass seed on the other side of my house to throw the weeds into there berm instead of back inside the house.

As I am doing this, the man from the first AT&T truck is walking along my neighbors backyard checking the cables, walking towards me. Ah, I might get some information. He turns about the time he gets to me while talking on the phone to hopefully his boss and continues back to his truck.

No equipment is moved, they are not moving, both drivers sitting on the back of the first truck talking. Strategy? Waiting for more help? Taking a break? ... I have no idea.

I decide the best thing the hounds, the dogs and I can do, siesta time. I tell Ava and Watson that it is time for a nap.

Watson was not accepting Ava's invitation to play and fight for that bone.

I guess I had (3) surprises not (2) ... I wake up from my siesta and see this outside my window. I decided to get a closer look plus I wanted to see if they left any ruts in my yard. The heavy grass hid those ruts well but when you walked in that area and your foot went into those ruts, it felt like you had stepped into a hole.

I guess my offer to see photos of his truck driving this direction helped him decide to buy more dirt, more seed and straw than he had planned on. Yet, the width of their truck tires were much wider than that.

It was still good to get all of that filled in. My riding mower will now feel like it is riding across a lawn instead of a one track mountain road with bumps and ruts while it cuts the grass.

My internet service was back online a few minutes past 4pm. That increased what channels I could see on tv once that service was back since I am streaming Google TV for free. It was preloaded into my Sony tv but I never checked it out until a few days ago.

So far with all the channels and free apps it has to download, it has every channel I watched on Directv except for a couple of sports channels. I knew beforehand those are a $10 per month subscription. That sure beats paying Directv $121 per month after the two discounts they give me.

In preparation for the heavy rains this morning, that have never come (good sign) and extreme high winds tonight, I moved all the chairs, patio table, sleeping Mexican to inside the shed. Then on the front porch I brought the bulldog statue, and two smaller plant pots into the garage. I didn't need potential projectiles blowing into my windows. The way my luck has been lately with storms, I need to prevent as much potential damage as I could.

I've been up for a few hours and have seen nothing but light rain. They said last night it would be a heavy downpour and 35mph winds this morning. NONE of that has happened and I take that as a good sign, one that shows just maybe that storm is not going to be as intense tonight as they predicted. I also checked the weather on my watch and it shows even tonight, winds not more than 7mph. ??? that doesn't match with those photos I started this blog post with, but I can live with that.

Walter is the most important in all of this. He can predict when a storm is coming and is very accurate. The few times tornado warnings have been forecasted, Walter and those predictions did not agree BUT Walter was right every time.

The rain is coming straight down and hard right now in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Hope the bad weather stays away from you and the crew. Weatherman Walter always lets you know when the weather will change. What a good boy !

    1. He has been very very accurate. Much more than tv news or twitter storm chasers. LOL

  2. It is just so difficult and frustrating to get any type of work done and done right these days.

    Will say a prayer that you and the gang stay safe during the storm. Take care.

    1. I couldn't agree more about finding good workers. We are clear and safe. Huge funnel cloud 18 miles west of us ... but the Hurricane remnants headed due north when it was NW of us by 10 miles. So Walter is back to sleep at 6:25pm and the other three are playing. We are good.

    2. Happy to hear all is well. Take care and have a good night.

  3. In Florida they hype the storms & hurricanes so much it's ridiculous! A cat 1 storm and you get a leaf in your yard, a friend would say. 35 mph is one of those. Good to bring stuff in though, as you just never know what will blow over or if a tornado decides to show up.

    1. I agree with the "entertainment" for storms and hurricanes. It's all about clicks on websites, and advertising money. Here one station is now doing their weather broadcast on the 6pm news OUTSIDE their building in a little patio area. Ridiculous.
