November 14, 2016

A Good Monday Morning

With overnight low's the lowest so far this fall, it was kind of hard to open that door to let the hounds out knowing it was in the 20's. They relieve their bladders while I pour out their breakfast kibble. Without the heat on inside, my house was showing 56° this morning when we got up. LOL

Stella was really ready for the daily walk this morning. She sprinted toward the back of the field behind the house.

So after the normal routine of some coffee, some internet reading ... the temps get to warm up. By the time we left a little after 11am, it was borderline 50° but really nice. I don't mind this kind of weather, although I am a huge fan of spring and summer.

From the very start the hounds were really active showing evidence there was a lot of 'traffic' last night while they slept. I wonder if deer can smell where the hounds have been?? I know nothing about deer, zip, nada.

The temps must have felt perfect to Stella because she was running all over the field. It was kind of like watching a race horse slowly galloping for their morning workout.

The both took off and I was pretty sure they were heading in their favorite spots. I was right. I did let them do what they wanted and figured that if I continued to keep walking, both of them would get some great exercise in by running to catch up to me.

They may love having their noses to the ground but Stella especially loves sprinting to catch up to me. She loves to run.

Here is Sadie looking at me from the corner of her eye. I never see that until I download the pictures. She has done this before.

One of Stella's recent favorite spots, right by the corner of the first turn on the walk.

Her form of "intervals" known to runners and riders that bicycle race.

With her jowls and ears caught in this picture, it might be one of the best I've taken.

Sadie wasn't waiting for her. She moved up into the far right corner of the field to get all the good protein before Stella could get up there. By this time she is already exploring the back edge of the field. When you see a hound nose to the ground and their tail is curled, their radar is locked in.

Stella eventually made it to the far right corner but didn't take long to run again to catch up to Sadie and I.

I'm pretty sure that her ears are fold over each other ... looks earless.

She still did an immediately stop and stop to check something out before she got to us.

Finally they both decided it was time to head home ... must have been getting close to their lunch. They never let me forget what time it should be served.

Yet, Stella still had a couple of more areas to check out before really going home.

Sadie also had something to check out before the final steps back home.

I was going to hold off posting this time of day but recently it seems to be a better time for me to post. By the time I get to the end of the day I have close to 75-100 pictures choose from and much more to write about at times.

When I do post more than one post per day I am not sure everybody realizes there are two posts available that day, so I tend to try to post just one per day for that reason.

I have a few more days it looks like where it might get up to 70° and then suddenly drops to highs in the 40's. The more I look at different parts of the yard I might mow the yard for the final time. Some parts of the yard is still growing and high enough to mow it.

I also plan to buy another 50' of water hose to connect to the one I have so I can have it next to me with the water turned on, so I can burn the tall pile of tree limbs. I normally do that every spring but I have a stack higher than I normally do. I'd hate for that pile to double in size, the last burn I had 20' flames.

Someone asked if the hounds had  rode in the 'new' FJ ... No, they haven't. LOL I love having a clean FJ and it still has that new car smell that dealerships use when they detail the inside of the car before putting it up for sale. There isn't a dog hair anywhere although Stella has left some nose smudges and dried drool near the rear door.

Well it's a great day so far here in 'the tropics' of southern Indiana.

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