January 23, 2016

Snow Is Melting Here In The Tropics

It might be covering the Northeast and the Eastern Seaboard but here in the ‘tropics’ of Southern Indiana, the ice cycles are running water and the snow is disappearing into the green grass. That is always a catch-22 for walking the hounds. Beautiful day to take the daily hound walk but the ground is too muddy and wet. Nothing like trying to clean the undersides and paws of wet, muddy bloodhounds while they are anxious to get back inside after a walk.

So we went outside to enjoy the afternoon sunshine, take some photos and sniff some new scents. Heidi of course refused to join us but didn’t hesitate later to sprint to the cabinet when the treats were being passed out. With all the food she is eating I hope that leads to her gaining that 10-12 pounds back that she lost last year.

The new websites seem to running smoothly so far today. They don’t see any comments from readers talking of things gone wrong. There are still some things to get finished to tie in the system of there. Finding out the NFL Playoff games are not until tomorrow, I should be able to get what is needed, finished.

The other day Al at The Bayfield Bunch had taken some photos of old fence posts out in his area with different barbed wire fencing. Some of you may have seen this fence post before in my past posts but there is a story behind this. It’s in my backyard near the area that I cleared last April and planted grass seed to increase the area of my yard.

My father who is now 87 years old was a teenager plowing the field for my great grandfather, that same field the hounds now roam. He claims that roll of barbed wire you see toward the lower third of the post has been there since approximately 1944, give or take a couple of years. I think that’s pretty cool that it has stayed intact for around 70+ years.

As you can see, the hounds and I didn’t get much done outside except enjoy the sunshine, warmer temps and melting snow.

The ‘tropics’ of Southern Indiana is the place to be during these winter storms.

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