Showing posts with label Bulldog Playing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulldog Playing. Show all posts

August 31, 2020

The Hounds Handle The Day Of Drizzle

Henry is growing by the hour, fitting into a routine more and more even finding where his food bowl is among the other three. All four dogs eat at the same time, then Stella and Walter head outside while Heidi finishes her water soaked kibble and Henry finishes his 1 cup of food. That's what the breeder told me to feed him and it really is amazing to see him eat that much food twice per day.

With the light rain throughout the morning I thought it was be interesting to see if that would keep Henry indoors with his bathroom duties. He didn't care and marched out to different areas of the yard doing what he had to do under a light rain. He did run back to the house when he was finished though. So he is a pretty smart hound.

The skies tried to lighten up during the day but it's here for most of the time and hard rain was expected later in the afternoon.

Every morning after their breakfast it's playtime for Walter and Henry while the other two sleep. All of them in the computer room while I drink coffee and read anything but political news. It's hard not to look but I've seen enough and already know who I am voting for in November. It's not that hard of a decision.

Each day I notice Henry gets a little braver. He wants Walter's bone more than before. He 'attacks' Heidi while she is laying there and wants to lick her jowls and eyes. He is the same way with Stella but she would rather sleep. I am thinking they are waiting for him to get a little bigger before they start to acknowledging his existence as a hound.

Usually by 6:15am they are both out for a short nap before going outside to check it out, get some exercise and see if the neighbor dogs are up yet.

I think Stella is happy to get back to her routine before Walter arrived April 11th or 12th.

Henry figured out today that if he slept on Walter's bone that might hide it enough not to be bothered.

I don't see it often but mid-day I see a truck move out on the other side of the wash. I'm not sure what he is looking for. When I have looked out there through my zoom lens I have seen no signs of walking traffic but will see an occasional hiker but not many.

Henry turned so fast that his ear ended up like that. I think you can tell he really likes having his photo taken. Plus he likes to spend a lot of his time outside even if Walter is sleeping inside.

I saw three dogs sleeping in the computer room early afternoon after their second meal but no Henry. He wasn't anywhere in the house ... I guess he found this place better to sleep while it was drizzling with rain just a few inches away.

Looking for the doberman ... but no signs of from them today and that is strange.

While Henry was sleeping, Walter and Stella got back together. That hasn't happened a lot since Henry arrived but Stella enjoyed getting groomed by Walter. With the temperatures barely reaching 70° and drizzle off and on all day, the hounds didn't do much. You can see they didn't miss any sleep for the rest of the afternoon.

Blogger continues to play weird here in the "Wild West". Will they ever fix it?

August 30, 2020

Henry Meets His Neighbors


With rain in the forecast Henry still explored the backyard this morning not responding to any thunder or light sprinkles later in the morning. He is quite the explorer with that Basset Hound nose and he seems to have a very good one. We didn't have much planned today except the normal routine with eyes peeled for when he looks like he might pee inside. It's hard to tell since he is so low to the ground. He does go outside on his own when he needs to.

This morning was a little bit different though. I heard that familiar whine of Stella when the doberman is looking over the fence. He has a ledge inside his fence that gives him an extra two feet to get higher and within eyes view. Usually he is barking in the attack mode whenever he sees me or the other dogs outside in the back but not this morning. He must have known there was a small puppy involved, as he didn't make a sound ... just stared.

That's Stella keeping a lookout while Henry doesn't notice he is being watched by his next door neighbors.

Walter also got into the act of keeping his eyes peeled on the doberman. As you see, Henry was not concerned with much of anything except what his nose brought to him.

There was no barking back and forth but gives you some idea what we are up against. He is really a nice dog and his bark sounds worse than his bite. Yet if I didn't know the dog and heard him barking at night I would leave as fast as possible.


Heidi still isn't that excited about a new pup, although she is letting him get closer longer and even let him clean her jowls today after lunch. She will eventually get to the point she likes him but she has always been that way. Walter on the other hound loves the new pup and keeps a pretty close eye on him.

Like all dogs, they go through different periods of time between sleeping and being very active. This continues all day up through the night. Henry spends a lot of time outside in the backyard on his own. I had to look for him a couple of times today and each time he was outside alone taking in all the smells.

As you can see they all had a pretty rough day. It drizzled most of the day, was high 70s and borderline whether to keep the windows open to feel that humidity or shut them and run the AC at the same temperature. Funny I say "humidity" when it's only 64%, nothing close to what we experiences in "the tropics' of southern Indiana. 


By 5:30pm local time the hounds had called it a day ... that's all I have from the "Wild West".