May 28, 2016

A Slow Saturday

It didn't take too long this morning for them to move some equipment around and plant their field before the forecasted rains. You never know if it's going to rain as predicted but they are a few weeks behind this year due to the weather so even if it doesn't rain today or tonight they are caught up.

I will have to do some reading and find out if that is liquid fertilizer or something else.

The planter has not spread it's wings yet, still folded up but almost ready to start.

Stella is still trying to decide where the Mini Cooper S went. She never rode in that car but did jump in the small trunk last week when I opened the rear hatch door. She was in there about 10 seconds before jumping out.

Nothing like another bloodhound drool on the side of my new to me car.

Sadie is letting me know that if Stella gets to ride so does she ... how do we get in?

By the time we finished the afternoon siesta during this heat wave, the field had been planted with only one very small intense thunderstorm about 12 miles away based on weather radar. Would it show up?

With the overcast sky and a 'feel of rain' ... the hounds and I took off for an afternoon walk. The pace was increased after I felt some drops of rain hitting my arm not quite halfway through the walk.

It's a different farmer than the ones working across the highway from my house, but they also planted their field  the past couple of days. It's the field behind the one we walk in.

I noticed a couple of different and new flowers blooming while walking today.

I tried something different on the previous post called "The Dynamic Duo". It was what I did on my Wordpress blog the past couple of months. I deleted that free blog last week. I liked posting just a sentence or two along with 4-6 photos during the day. I might start doing that on a regular basis on this blog.

I liked the Wordpress theme I had and the sharpness of the photos but it was getting hardly any visitors so I didn't see much need in keeping it.

It's turned into a hot and muggy couple of days here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

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