May 03, 2016

Deer Chase #4 In 2016

Sorry I'm a little late tonight posting this but I was busying doing other things after our early afternoon walk today.

Right after lunch it looked like rain but like I said in my first post this morning I was wanting to get my yard mowed before it rained. I also wanted to get in a walk for the hounds before it rain. The skies looked like rain was near but the radar did not show rain within a 1,000 miles of us. Doesn't that photo look like rain?

Right from the start both Sadie and Stella were locked in on something. It was more intense than their normal activity. I made sure my camera was ready and hoping it would work all the time. It does have it's moments of not cooperating.

Out of nowhere Stella takes off sprinting but I don't see anything on the horizon. Sadie was soon to follow her and before I knew it they were both around the corner and out of sight. I figured they were gone.

Then in somewhat of a confused state they both came back but were facing the woods across the field to the left where the deer was a couple of weeks ago. I am looking at the woods, the horizon and see nothing but the hounds were definitely agitated. There is definitely something they are smelling.

Before I could even catch up to them, they turned around and took off again. Just as I turned the corner there they were but there activity seemed normal. I looked at the the back of the field just in case there were deer there. I was in for a surprise.

As I reach where the hounds are, they are doing nothing out of the norm ... I glance up at the gully and out jumps a pretty good size deer ... probably the biggest I have seen yet this year.

The 4th deer chase of the year was on!!!


Stella instantly started baying and sprinting after it although way behind. Sadie for some reason did not know yet what was going on and didn't start running until Stella was away.

The deer kicks it into a higher gear and extends her lead over Stella.

Sadie is just to the right of that photo up above running as fast as she can. She was never close to the deer but her and Stella were close as they went over the hill towards the power tower.

I'd been walking on the path the whole time and not running. It would not have done any good to run after them. I knew most likely I may have to go find them for the first time this year. Glancing at the horizon I don't see them anywhere. I continue to walk, not running.

About the time I start walking straight toward the tower I catch both hounds off to the left and fairly close. I was really happy that they had not jumped the small wire fence that is in those trees. Once again like all the other deer chases, when I called their names, they came running ... proud of what they had accomplished.

They must have thought the deer might come back for them as they kept stopping and looking back in that direction, while on the way home.

They acted pretty proud again of what they had done.

Still after a nice after lunch run - it was time for the afternoon water and siesta.

I posted just a few of the deer chase photos on my Facebook page today. I was fortunate to find Stella's original owner on Facebook sometime in April. She is thrilled that she can see how Stella is doing. It was out of her control that she had to give Stella up ... but she told me something tonight that I suspected, but didn't know.

She said that chasing deer was one of Stella's favorite hobbies. When I asked if she had ever ran away, she said that Stella always came back yet her mom was gone for over two weeks before she returned home after one deer chase.

It might be because of the three different homes Stella has had but she seems to be really attached to the house and will not take off when she has had the chance to ignore me calling her. In fact she likes to stay pretty close to me where ever I go. Some hounds would have taken off running no matter how loud you yelled.

Heidi took the day off from the ointment. Tonight her skin is still red and what I call out of control. She has chewed four spots raw. I am going to give her an Epsom Salt soak early Tuesday morning. I have no idea what set her skin off this time. It was looking better the majority of the day.

Could you tell the difference in the three photos of her rear leg and paw the other day?

Yes, my lawn was mowed under sunny skies with rain predicted Tuesday afternoon.

A good night here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

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